Legacy Knight | Multi-Family Office
Our Story
Legacy Knight is an innovative family office platform designed to provide exceptional family office management and premier investment access to ultra-high net worth families and family offices.
Legacy represents our core family office platform where we provide a full suite of family office services, investment advisory, and consolidated portfolio reporting. Our experienced partners, institutional quality relationships, and advanced technology platform provide us with access to best-in-class investment opportunities to help families plan, grow, and protect wealth across multiple generations.
Knight represents our thematic investment platform that enables families and family offices to invest directly alongside our team and Legacy families in unique and exclusive investment opportunities typically reserved for multibillion dollar institutional investors. Knight families have the opportunity to pursue all of our investments on the Knight platform yet can pick and choose which opportunities to invest in based on their preferences. The size and scale of the platform often provides Knight families with better economics and terms than they could otherwise achieve on their own.
2525 Knight St Suite #275, Dallas, TX 75219
(945) 536-5580